2023年9月22日 星期五

408/409 Canva 連結


請同學點此連結加入我的Canva 教室 , 用簡報設計3-5張介紹中秋節 Moon Festival!


1.簡報名稱 Title: The moon festival

2. 班級姓名座號 Class Number Name

3. 3-5個中秋節相關單字英文加圖 Vocabs with English and pictures

 (不知道英文的請用google 查,自學一下!或用上課教過的單字!)

Wake up song 歌詞

Wake up song


Wake up, wake up,

Give yourself a shake up,

Get your body moving,

Reach up, jump up,

Give your friends a thumb up!

It’s another new day!

Get your feet,

dance to the beat,

Get your body moving,

Raise and shout,

Get your feeling out,

It’s another new day!


 親愛的家長們: 對於一年級升二年級的部落格會沿用舊的網址如下 201  https://mschen101.blogspot.com/ 202  https://mschen102.blogspot.com/ 203  https://mschen103.blogspot.co...